Rental Property Management

How to Get More Property Management Leads: 10 Tools and Strategies

| 7 min. read

No matter how experienced you are with property management, finding new clients can often feel like a shot in the dark.

This guide will illuminate some of the best lead generation tools and strategies to help you find the perfect clients for your portfolio.

5 Tools to Generate Property Management Leads

When brainstorming how to get property management leads, the first question that needs answering is, “Where can I find new prospective clients?” Getting your business on the mind of local homeowners and accidental landlords is essential to winning new business. Before you know it, those accidental landlords can become small portfolio investors giving you an easy opportunity to add more doors to your portfolio.

Where are the property management clients? Here are five of our favorite tools to find them:

1. Social Media Marketing. Social media marketing refers to organic and paid marketing, but APM recommends starting with organic marketing for property managers without a deep marketing budget. Attract rental property owners to you by posting regular, helpful, expert content. Posting on social media can be done in just a few minutes daily and has much room for creative expression.

Beyond typical social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, you should consider building a professional presence on LinkedIn. As the world's largest professional network, LinkedIn is the perfect place to make connections that lead to client relationships down the line. So you should have your LinkedIn profile set up and ready to impress, along with a strategy for 1-to-1 outreach to real estate investors.

Executing a social media marketing strategy is no easy task learning from the experts may be a good idea if marketing isn't your strength.

2. Email Outreach. 85% of people in the U.S . have an email address. They check their inbox daily. Email marketing is especially effective in getting your property management expertise to the masses.

Property managers may first connect with landlords and property owners through social media. Then, they cement a relationship through regular emails with high-quality tips and content.

Here's an email template you can start from to reach out to prospects and get the ball rolling:

Hi [prospective owner], There are so many reasons to hire a property management company, but here are three advantages that set (your company) apart from the rest:

  • We believe in transparent, tech-enabled communication that makes it easy to stay in touch.
  • With 15 years of experience, we have the local expertise to deliver an amazing experience to your residents, while ensuring you stay on top of all local and state regulations.
  • We make a long term plan with every customer to make sure you never lose sight of your investment goals.

Get in touch to schedule a chat about your investment strategy and show you why our customers rate us a 4.7 out of 5 stars on Google.

Best, [Name of Company] 

Buildium offers additional cold and follow-up email templates you can access for free here.

3. Online Groups and Forums. Places like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and even Facebook groups for local landlords are all places for property management companies to connect with potential leads. This is a way to find specific property owners looking for help and stay on top of the latest news and general sentiments owners have when managing their properties.

The key to networking in these groups is simple: always be helpful. Join a few groups, post useful advice, and make yourself known as a valuable local resource to local landlords. If there are resources or information that you've found insightful or inspiring, you can share it in these groups so that others can benefit, as well. A few communities to check out are:

4. Referrals. Referrals are a significant source of property management lead generation and come in three types: client referrals, family and friend referrals, and real estate agent referrals.

Client referrals are from past or current clients who have been pleased with your services.

Family and friend referrals come primarily by hearing about what you do and reaching out directly.

Real estate agent referrals are different and more of a formal business arrangement. Real estate agents and property managers work in the same general sphere.

Especially if you're just starting, building relationships with local real estate agents can be a great source of property management lead generation. Let them know that you'll refer sales of your client's properties to them or simply offer them a referral fee, while in exchange, they agree to pass you referrals of their investor clients who need property management services.

5. Online Networks That Bring Leads To You. Pay-per-lead (PPL) services allow you to pay to obtain leads from owners and property investors. Using a PPL service is one of the most efficient ways to generate highly qualified property management leads. And while you might be wary of paying for leads, working with a company well-respected in the industry, like All Property Management , is a surefire way to bring in quality property management leads on a consistent basis.

5 Strategies to Seal the Deal with Property Management Leads

Generating property management leads is only half the battle. Once you have a potential lead on the line, what happens next? To turn those leads into paying clients, bolster your property management business with these five strategies.

1. Create a Consistent, Professional Brand. Managing your online reputation is essential to attracting and converting property management leads into longtime clients. What's the first tool you should use for attracting clients? Your property management website. A professionally produced property management website brings clients to you, leads them quickly through onboarding, and integrates seamlessly with other online property management tools so that you can grow your business on autopilot.

However, you don't have to sink countless hours into marketing courses or web design to get the job done. It's often easier to use marketing services to create a strong brand identity and digital presence that quickly translates to more clients and profits. Companies like Upkeep Media and Goodjuju specifically focus on property management and are worth looking into, especially if reputation management and web design aren't your strongest points.

2. Understand Your Ideal Client. Potential clients are everywhere, but only some landlords are the “right” clients for your property management business. Understanding which type of property owner you'd like to work with and their priorities will go a long way in attracting the clients you're looking for.

3. Exercise Local Expertise and Networking. While most of these tips are geared toward online connection and marketing, there's nothing like a good old-fashioned, in-person meet-up.

As a property manager, you build relationships, solve problems, and grow your business. Direct those skills (and a bit of your time) to connect with homeowners, investors, realtors, and other property managers in your community through local professional groups and events. This gets your name and face out there and lays the groundwork for strong referrals. Some organizations and resources to explore include:

4. Stay On Top of Fresh Industry Knowledge. Whether generating new property management leads or managing your current clients, property managers must stay on top of industry trends. An effective way to find property management leads and convert them into clients quickly is to understand the industry, provide helpful knowledge, and know property management inside and out.

Worried you're behind on industry knowledge? Here's Buildium's 2024 Property Management Industry Report to fill you in. Combined with the networking strategy above, you'll quickly get a reputation for being one of the most informed professionals in your market.

5. Create Content That Converts. Content marketing creating interesting material that helps win over customers is one of the most powerful property management lead generation methods. A well-worded post or engaging short video can cause owners to take notice and even provide that final push needed to do business with you.

There are many creative ways to get started, depending on what sounds most interesting to you. For example, you could write a blog to rank for keywords on Google, create videos for a YouTube channel, or even record a podcast where you interview local property investors and other real estate professionals. Developing a website for your services, and implementing search engine optimization best practices, can be a great way to build your brand and connect with leads.

Over time, you'll have a wealth of material to include in outreach, share on social media, and post on your website., one of the most effective ways to guarantee a regular flow of positive reviews and high-quality leads to your doorstep.

How Much Time Should I Devote to Marketing and Finding Property Management Leads?

The time you should devote to marketing your property management services to potential clients depends on your business goals, target audience, and budget. Set some time each week to network, read up on industry news, write a post or two, or send emails. Doing this will pay you back exponentially over time.

For more intensive lead generation strategies, marketing services can do most of the heavy lifting and save your team hours. Marketing services and lead generation networks like All Property Management do the work needed to bring qualified leads to you. The only time you'll have to spend is connecting with those leads and sealing the deal.

Who Should Spearhead Property Management Lead Generation?

Delegating responsibility when it comes to finding and converting property management leads will go a long way toward landing new clients.

If you aren't handling this job yourself, choose a team member with a strong understanding of the real estate market, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and adept at utilizing various marketing strategies to attract potential clients. Additionally, they should have a strong connection to your business's values and an interest in continually building their industry knowledge.

Of course, there are already experts to help fill the gaps in your team and take on lead generation tasks for you. If you're ready to start implementing the ten tips above, join APM's network of professional property managers to gain access to a wide network of property owners quickly and have local property management leads delivered directly to your inbox.

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